Election Results

It is my pleasure to share the news that Ken Shoultz has been elected as the President of the Beadle County Sportsmen’s Club during our December 12th meeting, a position of great honor. Assisting him in this role is our Vice-President, Leo Pollock.

Our dedicated officers include Immediate Past President Dave Eichstadt and our Secretary/Treasurer, Sharon Reno. We are also pleased to welcome new additions to our board, Tom Paye and Dave Wright.

Completing our board are individuals who have been instrumental in the success of our club: Dale Berens, Freddie Coil, Mason Minske, Ray Polfus, Jon Schied, Brad Schutt, Lyle Swanson, Ron Wallenstein, and Jim Winegar.

A heartfelt thank you goes to Ross Jensen for his years of dedicated service. His contributions have played a significant role in the growth of the Beadle County Sportsmen’s Club.