The next regular meeting of the BEADLE COUNTY SPORTSMEN’S CLUB will be held on Tuesday, March 12th. Social hour will start at 6:00 p.m., with hors d`oeuvres starting at 6:15 pm. and supper served around 7:00 p.m.
Soup & Sandwich Supper! Planning on serving Shrimp Gumbo, Strunkle (green bean and potato) and bean and ham with hot ham & cheese sandwiches and dessert. We need help in the kitchen following the meeting with clean up. Talk to Ken, Lyle or Janet
Speaker: Nathan Hofer discussing the improvements for the Izaak Walton Rifle Range.
We are having a ‘sweatshirt raffle’ at the cost of $1 a chance. If you’re a winner, you’ll get a certificate to pick up your color choice and size at Signature Plus. We will also have a gun raffle board at the cost of $10 a chance.
We have a Perpetual Memorial Plaque at our clubhouse. Contact Sharon if you are interested in having your loved ones name(s) engraved on a plate; the cost is $50 for each plate. We wish to keep this memorial to only names with ties to the Beadle County Sportsmen’s Club.
The Big Buck/Bull/Lunker Contest planned for our March 12th meeting. The contest is open to only members of the Beadle County Sportsmen’s Club, with an animal harvested in South Dakota in 2023. Plaques will be awarded in the following divisions: Rifle – Whitetail, Rifle – Mule Deer, Rifle – Antelope, Rifle – Elk, Archery – Whitetail, Archery – Mule Deer, Archery – Antelope and Archery – Elk. For our Fisherman: 1) Longest Walleye caught with hook and line 2) Longest walleye by other method, examples are bow, diving, etc. 3) Longest other game fish not a walleye, examples are paddlefish, salmon, northern pike, muskellunge, etc. 4) Longest any fish by hook and line, examples are carp, buffalo, etc. 5) Longest Bass 6) Longest perch, crappie, or pan fish species. Entries for the fish contest can be a photograph of your catch measured over a ruler with a witness statement or the mount can be presented.
The Outdoor Sports Show will be held at the Norby 4-H building on the South Dakota State Fairgrounds on Saturday/Sunday, March 23 & 24. We’ll be serving grilled brats and hot dogs during lunch time both days for a free will donation.
Make plans to attend the Spring Bonanza Saturday, April 20, 2024.
Top prize $1,500; 2nd Prize – Browning X-bolt 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle; 3rd Prize – Ruger American 6.5 Creedmoor with scope; 4th Prize – Ruger American Go Wild in 300 Win Mag. Tickets available at the March meeting @ $20 each. $25 Drawings throughout the evening, along with blackjack, pick a duck, heads or tails, pay what you pull game, and popular hat raffle. If you have donations for our silent auction, you can bring them on Tuesday, or anytime during the year as we will store them until our bonanza.
Upcoming Events:
March 23 & 24 – KOKK Radio Outdoor Show Brat Feed
April 20th – Spring Bonanza
May 9th meeting – the 2023 shed antler contest
Check out our web page:
Collecting 2024 membership dues. Your mailing label will list the last year you have paid. The dues are $30 for a Membership and $55 for a Sponsorship. If you change your address, please notify Sharon Reno 605-352-8281 (voice) or 605-350-1899 (text).
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Shoultz, President 605-354-0820
Sharon Reno, Secretary/Treasurer