Join us for our June Hunt Safe classes on June 7th, 9th & 10th. Registration is on the Game Fish & Parks Website or call them at (605) 353-7145

Join us for our June Hunt Safe classes on June 7th, 9th & 10th. Registration is on the Game Fish & Parks Website or call them at (605) 353-7145
Join us Sat. May 13th 20th for our Kid’s Fishing Day at the southwest shelter at Ravine Lake. Free noon lunch and prizes for children, sponsored by the Izaak Walton League.
This has been updated on 05/15/2023, We apologize for the confusion.
Congratulations to LuAnn Winter and her dad Jay Winter, board member Jim Winegar presented the award.
Join us for our Spring Bonanza on April 15th, 2023, Social hour starts at 6:00 pm. The drawing begins at 7:00 pm. A designated driver will be available.